Relax. The #studybuddy pad is at your side.
Take your exams with confidence!
Tear out the study page to look over your notes right before the test.



  • Notepad – 50 double sided study sheets enough to last you the year. (more than 50 tests a year? #killinit)
  • #likeaboss study guide to give you some study tips and how-tos
  • 4.25 x 5.5 sized super mini so you don’t have to carry another heavy book
  • Study time tracker. See how much time you put into studying in case you need to show #proof 😉
  • Rate your confidence level. So you can’t say you didn’t see that coming!
  • Document a funny studying moment!
  • Write down your test date + study plans. #ontherecord #soyouknow

*PLEASE NOTE studying with the #studybuddy doesn’t guarantee test passing. You’ll still have to pay attention in class, take good notes and study diligently.

I used to study this way. I’d consolidate all my study material onto one sheet of paper and I’d only write the important details that I thought I should remember and/or needed to refer back to quickly. Before I’d take the test, My friends and I would huddle together and review my “cheat sheet” just to refresh our minds. On rare (…ok most) occasions, my “cheat sheet” was passed around that morning so everyone can get a good summary of the test material.
This method helped me so much during my school days, I’d like to pass it onto you! I hope you have fun and are able to try your best like I used to do in my school days! Use two pages if you need to, there aren’t any rules. – Jill, Creator

Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 5 × 0.25 in


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